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About Us

America Note Network's is one of the most committed brokers of business notes in the nation.  A wholly owned subsidiary of CherryMill Enterprises, incorporated in 1995, America's Note Network is committed to providing our customers with superior service, friendly customer care, and quick cash turnarounds. We would be more than happy to provide you with a list of references from many of our satisfied customers.

Note Sale Benefits

Many property owners will sell their property with owner financing in order to sell their property, or to sell their property faster. They will then be in the position of receiving monthly payments when they would have preferred to have received all cash for the sale of their property.

America Note Network's is sponsored by CherryMill and specializes in selling these types of notes and providing the property owner with the cash they prefer to have. We sell for you all types of notes on all types of property nationwide. We sell pools of notes, individual notes and even parts of notes (referred to as a partial purchase).


To relieve the immediate need for a financial necessity or problem

Immediate cash to re-invest at a better rate of return

Immediate cash to re-invest in a superior or more secure project

To relieve collection concerns

To relieve delinquency, foreclosure or bankruptcy concerns







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